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Create a new team

Add a new team in Medallion and add providers to it either manually or by importing a list of providers.

Updated this week

As an admin in Medallion, you can create a new team according to criteria of your choosing, and you can assign providers, managers, and viewers to the team.

Create a new auto-assigned team

You can choose to create a team based on provider attributes, in which case Medallion automatically assigns providers to your team based on those attributes. To create a new auto-assigned team:

  1. On the page of the Medallion system, click .

  2. Enter a name for your team under Team Name.

  3. Ensure that the switch for Create team using provider attributes is set to .

  4. If you want to include only certain types of providers, select the checkbox for Profession Type.

    1. Select which types of providers you want to include in the team from the Profession Types dropdown menu.

  5. You can also choose to generate your team from particular groups or practices. If you want to generate your team based on groups or practices, select the checkbox for Group or Practice, then either Group or Practice.

    1. If you selected Group, select the groups from which you want to include providers from the Groups dropdown menu.

    2. If you selected Practice, select the practices from which you want to include providers from the Practices dropdown menu.

  6. Team details example:

  7. All teams must have at least one manager. Under Managers & Viewers, select an employee from the Org Employee dropdown menu to be a manager for the team.

  8. Select the Manager radio button.

    1. Note: Once an employee has been assigned a manager or viewer role, that is the only role that employee can hold for any team. Someone cannot be a manager for one team and a viewer for another.

  9. If you would like to add another manager or viewer, click the button.

    1. Under Managers & Viewers, select an employee from the Org Employee dropdown menu to be a manager for the team.

    2. Select either the Manager or Viewer radio button.

    3. You can add as many managers and viewers as you would like.

  10. Managers & Viewers example:

  11. Click Next.

  12. Verify your team's information, then click Save.

Create a new manually assigned team

Rather than basing your team on provider attributes, you can choose to assign providers to your team manually. To create a new manually assigned team:

  1. On the page of the Medallion system, click .

  2. Enter a name for your team under Team Name.

  3. Ensure that the switch for Create team using provider attributes is set to .

  4. Select a provider to add to the team from the Search for Provider dropdown menu, then click .

  5. Repeat step 4 for each provider you want to add to the team. You can add as many providers to the team as you like.

  6. Team details example:

  7. All teams must have at least one manager. Under Managers & Viewers, select an employee from the Org Employee dropdown menu to be a manager for the team.

  8. Select the Manager radio button.

    1. Note: Once an employee has been assigned a manager or viewer role, that is the only role that employee can hold for any team. Someone cannot be a manager for one team and a viewer for another.

  9. If you would like to add another manager or viewer, click the button.

    1. Under Managers & Viewers, select an employee from the Org Employee dropdown menu to be a manager for the team.

    2. Select either the Manager or Viewer radio button.

    3. You can add as many managers and viewers as you would like.

  10. Managers & Viewers example:

  11. Click Next.

  12. Verify your team's information, then click Save.

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